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Great article Jackson! And you touch on a really great point regarding industrial foods: fiat money brings fiat thinking and fiat behavior including FIAT FOOD! In order to live in a fiat system things must get cheaper and food is primary among them. As they become cheaper to produce and buy, they become less and less healthy.

Consider fast food: we recently lost Morgan Spurlock the producer of “Super Size Me!” the ground-breaking documentary on McDonalds and fast food. He demonstrated on himself that fast food is deadly by eating McDonalds for a month. It nearly killed him 20 years ago.

By exiting a fiat system, we are able to re-incentivize society from the lowest common denominator of MONEY, the base measure of VALUE. For this reason I am a Bitcoin Maximalist and one-issue voter. I have many other issues I consider when voting but only ONE issue can fix most, if not ALL of the others and that’s BITCOIN. When we re-organize at the lowest common denominator measuring value, we fix broken societal incentives and have the opportunity to improve society and people’s lives like we never have before.

And don’t get me started on the Pharmaceutical industry!

Let my people go OUT of the FIAT CAVE and be Free, Happy and Healthy!

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